I know I have a lot of pictures to send off this week so I hope I can get everything situated.
On Monday we had P-day of course and went to this HUGE mall. It has a Merry-go-round in it! Haha it was pretty sweet. You all might know I have a little obsession with baby clothes and seeing that Grant's birthday is coming up soon I went kinda a little crazy. But I hope you got the package and hope Grant enjoys his birthday presents! I love that little G so much! But that was fun then we went to Eli and Emanuel's house with the Elders and talked about the Holy Ghost which they got yesterday! That was cool to witness that! I will say that this week was pretty tough! We are really trying to find new investigators but they don't seem to be where we're going. We've searched a lot of places and no luck. We keep getting sketched out by the darkness outside. We actually had a pretty frightful experience I will share later on in the email. But we're alive and safe....it's crazy because "we're just two little girls [from Utah]" Hope you family members laugh at that! Hahaha but anyway. We had district meeeting on Tuesday. It was great. I love district meeetings. The spirit is always so strong there. We had an appointment soon after so we had to rush back to get there in time. We picked up Sister Sanchez! The best team up ever and she came with us. She's from Costa Rica and I'm wondering where Nick served because I'm wondering if he served where her family is....Anyway we went to this guy. Brother Peter (used to be the bat boy for the Yankee's) and it was really good. We read the Book of Mormon with him and she later told us, Thanks so much for bringing her with us because she's trying to work on her english and it's good practice for her. We're so grateful for her and love her so much! We went and dropped her off, she works at a Herbalife club thingy and we weighed ourselves and tested a lot of other things.....my results say I'm like a 28 year old! And Sister Ward is like a 12 year old. That made me feel bad so I committed myself to no more fast food! Believe it or not! I'm going to do it! I'm kinda excited about it actually! We'll see... So anyway Tuesday night...one of the scariest nights on my mission by far. We wanted to get the rest of our things organized in our apartment and we had an appointment at 7, but we decided if the appointment didn't go through (which it didn't) we'd quickly run to Walmart and get the last things we needed to get completely organized in our new place. So that was the plan. We went to the kids house and he wasn't there. So we planned to go to Walmart right, well I just wanted to check and see how close some other people lived to him and sure enough they lived right now the street. So we went to go see if they were home. My stomach was hurting me a little bit but as we pulled into the driveway I said a prayer (like we also do) before going to see if they were home. I kept asking for protection in the prayer, and I don't know why. But I ended the prayer and asked how Sister Ward was feeling and she said fine but if I feel not good then we should go. I thought it was just my stomach that was hurting and not the Holy Ghost so we went to go knock on the door. We knocked and I thought I heard someone asked who was it but nothing. So Sister Ward asked if she should knock again and I told her yes. It was kinda loud because the house was on a main road but Sister Ward said right after she knocked she felt prompted we needed to leave so I wasn't complaining. Right as soon as we got down from the stairs I felt prompted to just tell her to get into the car but I didn't want to make a big scene because there was a guy walking down the street. So I didn't tell her anything and jumped into the car and made eye contact with this guy and then all of a sudden I see Sister Ward jump into the front seat. She got the same prompting to get in the car as I did. We quickly backed up and got out of there. I was shaking and didn't feel good at all in Spring Valley. But we got out of there safe and I asked Sister Ward to say a prayer which comforted us. I'm SO grateful for the Holy Ghost in my life. For the protection and comfort it is. I don't know what would've happened if she didn't jumped into the car but I'm grateful she listened to the promptings as well. I know the Holy Ghost is a protection for us and we need to heed to all the promptings we get! I think that's why we kinda get scared at night. But all is well no worries!
Wednesday was great. We met a guy named Richard and he talked to us for 45 minutes. He is a "man of God" and kept telling us "I'mma be honest..." It was a pretty funny contact. He was interested in the Book of Mormon so we gave him one and he told us "I'll see ya, when I see ya." He was a great guy. Pretty funny. We went to a members house and had orange floats and then went to basketball that night. We only played one game because we were late but it's great playing with these young men...a lot of them are non-members and some are so it's cool to be there and be an example to them.
Thursday was walking day. It was a lot better than the last one. Didn't walk as much as last week, thank goodness. We went to the Relief Society Presidents house and she fed us a dominican dish called Mangu and boy was it delicious! Sister Ward and I devoured it. It was so yummy. Made out of plantains. MMMMM!!!! :)
Friday was another fun day. We had Sister Sanchez come out with us again. She such a great missionary and can speak spanish so she got like 3 appointment for the Elders. We went to go visit a former investigator and we got to the house and there were three boys playing basketball outside. These are the most awkward contacts but as we got to the house they were all playing basketball and I asked for the ball. (remember I'm in my skirt and church shoes) And I shot the ball and made it. They were like "who are you?" And all this stuff it was pretty funny. They kept passing the ball back and I kept shooting it. Unfortunately there mom wasn't there but they were pretty impressed I could make a shot. The youngest one was like "She's better than dad." It was funny. We went and tried back but she wasn't home again. But we'll keep trying her. We also went and sang with the Elderly to practice for the Talent Show which is going to be so AWesome! Sister Ward and I are going to sing something but we're not quite sure yet but it's going to be great. More deets later. We took Sister Sanchez home and as we were driving I saw a squirrel cross the road and so I yelled "squirrel!" Sister Sanchez said "I uh. I think somethings wrong with you..." We busted up laughing after we dropped her off. I'm kinda crazy and loud and that's just gotten worse as I've been out here. But oh well....
Saturday we were really looking for new investigators to find so Sister Ward suggested if there's a red house with a black door we're stopping. And sure enough we found a red house with a black door. We got to the door and knocked and the lady came out and said "we're Jewish....and practicing. Thanks" (Kinda rude) But it was funny that we actually found that kinda house. We went to another ladies house which we thought a member lived in and we got to the door and asked if she was Brittany and she said no and so Sister Ward asked her name and she replied "I don't need to tell you my name." Rudely again. But it was funny. We kinda just shrugged it off.
Yesterday we had our first actual dinner appointment with ward members. We went to the Rodriguez family and had ribs and potatoes and veggies. And boy was it delicious! I loved it so much! Yummy! We went and visited Anne and she's going to show us some stores we should shop at today. She's crazy but I love her so much.
I finished reading the Book of Mormon this week and you know what.....it's still TRUE! I love reading the Book of Mormon and have started reading it again. I'm focusing on gratitude and thankfulness this time as I read and I'm so excited! I love the Book of Mormon. I love praying to my Heavenly Father. The church is so true! I'm so grateful to be a missionary for my Heavenly Father here in New City, New York. It's been such a blessing and I've already grown so much.
Sister Morrison told me that yesterday Julio, Melissa and Sarah Perez all bore there testimonies and it truly made me feel so good. Julio mentioned how much he loved the sister missionaries and it's so cool to see that I truly made an impact on their lives and now they're looking towards getting to the temple now. I'm so grateful for this work. I'm changing people's lives but also my own. I love it so much! Thanks for all your support! I couldn't do it without all of you. I love you all!
Sister Taylor
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