Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pictures since Christine's been gone

 Christine with Grant and Tacy
 First Companion Sister Dicou
 Sister Thompson
Sister Robinson

Hurricane Sandy

We hadn't heard from Christine since before the hurricane hit the east coast.  We finally got an email yesterday mass mailed from someone letting us know all the missionaries were ok and staying inside for a couple of days.  We knew all along Christine was fine but have wanted to hear from her.  We still haven't heard directly from her but I had recieved a picture and note from a family out there that had Christine and her companion to dinner a week ago.  I thought I would reach out to her to see what I could find out.  She told me earlier today in a email, that all missionaires were safe and accounted for.  This evening I got another email from her stating that the missionaires had stopped by the house to get instuction from her husband who is the emergency specialist in the ward and she snapped this picture and sent it.  I so appreciate her doing this.  It's so good to see Christine and see she's fine.  I knew she'd be thriving in the opportunity to serve after this tradgedy.  Does it look like she's enjoying herself?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Letter from Oct 22, 2012

The work has been so great. It's been a wee bit frustrating but I'm getting it done. I love the gospel and am falling more in love with it everyday (Kinda like Kimber and Sam), haha I have to put those cheesy things in there sometimes. We had a lot of dinner appointments with members this week which was fabulous. The Berhmann's, that you got the pictures from were on Monday, cute family. The next day we had dinner at the Young's. They were a young cute couple with a little 18 month old girl. We had some great pasta and salad. They're awesome. Tuesday was district meeting and we were talking about companion unity so we had a three legged race against all of us in the district. Our district leader didn't think Sister Dicou and I were going to win, but we DID! and it was awesome. We got pokemon cards for winning. Our zone went out to Fuddruckers after and it was the first time I've been and it was so good. The next day was our zone conference. And that was so much fun. We had some great talks from President and Sister Jeppson, they sang for us and it was so much fun.

                Thursday is walking day. It always so nice to get out and walk once a week. Thursday are good because we have set appointments everything Thursday. We go and teach two recent converts and a member that is in a hospital. It's so awesome to see the Light of Christ in their lives and the power of the Holy Ghost testifying to them the truthfulness of the gospel. We had a relief society activity that night about how to organize our home which was a great lesson for us. Sister Dicou and I learned some great tips for when we return home.               

                Friday was RAINY!!!! It was pouring down pretty hard. But it was great. They have a resturant out here called Friendly's that is really good we went to. We actually went there two days in a row. :/ But it is yummy! Friday was really cool and I got to experience being guided by the spirit completely in a lesson. Sister Dicou has had a name in her mind for a while and we finally had time to get to go see him. We got to his place and caught him just as he was going out to smoke. He had had 5 baptismal dates but hasn't kept them. We got there and got to know him for a little and then the scripture Ether 12:27 popped into my head. It worked perfectly to what he was telling us, right after that Sister Dicou took over and said she kept getting this prompting to invite him to baptism. So she did. He was a little hestitant but accepted to be baptized again. Yesterday our plans fell through and we weren't able to see him when we had planned but it was so cool after we left to talk about how we felt and how the spirit really guided us through that little lesson. I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to change people's lives and be guided by the spirit in those ways. I know God lives and is there for us, praying for help will help you find answers to your problems.  

                Saturday was awesome. We actually got to help priests and laurels who are looking to go on their missions soon. It was kinda intimidating becuase I have just barely got out here but it was a strengthening experience. I got to sit one on one with a girl and help her understand the gospel a little bit more. We had a good time and it strengthened my testimony about what I know. It's scary going out and talking to people but with the spirit by my side I can do anything and I just have to remember that. They had President Jeppson come and speak to them and he is such a spiritual giant. I look up to him a lot. We went out to eat again to a diner that has some good food. I'm excited to come back here after my mission and show you guys all around the areas I served. I'm so excited!

                Sunday was good. It was church. I've gained a stronger testimony of church attendance and the sacrament. The talks and lessons were fabulous. After church we did our studies and then we wanted to go see if an investigator was home that Sister Dicou had been trying to contact. And she was. She has a cute little girl and I connected with them so quickly. I feel like I was supposed to meet this lady and her little girl and I can really help them so that was fantastic. 
                I know this church is true. I'm grateful for this opportunity I have to spread the gospel. It has already blessed my life so much. Tell Melissa to write me. She can email me to. I'd like to hear from her and I'd like some pictures of the babies if you could.

Time for more gym time and basketball! Love you all and am so grateful for your prayers. May the Lord be with you always. Mosiah 2:41 

Sister Taylor

Sunday, October 21, 2012


As mentioned in Sister Taylor's letter below her address is as follows....
201 Lindsley Dr. Apt. 1B
Morristown, NJ 07960
This is the address to send letters to.  You can send packages here too, but they suggest you send those to the mission home.  The address there is as follows......
5 Cold Hill Rd. South Ste. 10
Mendham, NJ 07945.
Thanks for supporting Christine.

First letter from Sister Taylor from NJ!!!

Well here goes nothing I'm sorry if I miss some information but I will try and get everything in there. First a few items of housekeeping: I have not yet gotten the package, they changed the mission office address so I'm guessing the blanket got sent to the old one but I'm hoping on Wednesday at zone conference I'll be able to get it and get the mail if anyone has sent any. Of course there won't be pictures in this email because I haven't recieved the cord yet but I'm hoping to get that like I said. Item 2: I'm not sure the exact brand of Sister Robinson's backpack but it was a black one so if you wanted to get a jansport inexpensive (like $20) iIm sure that would work. Thanks for doing that. I really appreciate her giving hers up for me. Item 3: my companion (I'll tell you about her later) LOVES salsa, so would there be any possible way you could send us some because we are STARVING. But if you could we'd both really love that... Item 4: Sister Dicou really loves salsa and would be so appreciate if she could taste some of our very own. I hope you'll be able to send it somehow..

Item 5: My address for my apt is:
201 Lindsley Dr. Apt. 1B
Morristown, NJ 07960

Mission office address is:
5 Cold Hill Rd. South Ste. 10
Mendham, NJ 07945.

Make sure to put those on the blog so if people send me packages I'll get them quicker. Item 6: how much did the car sell for? I can't believe it went that fast. That's so incredible! :) Item 7: I put it down lower as well and I'm to lazy to delete it, but Monday's are my P-days. I'm kinda sad I haven't gotten the package yet so I can put pictures on this email but they are coming I promise. Item 8: I forgot to mention I did buy a clothes hamper in the MTC. And I will be buying some more winter clothes soon as it starts to get colder. Item 9: IS KIMBER ENGAGED YET??

Okay, I hope I got everything down if I remember something I will put it in the first paragraph.

Anyways, the mission field is unlike the MTC. It is so crazy, but so much fun. We got to the mission home and slept and the next day woke up and ate breakfast and then had meetings, with the financial and doctor of the mission and the transportation person. After we had a meeting with President Jeppson. He told us his whole story and it is INCREDIBLE! He is such an amazing man. His wife is so hilarious and I just already love them so much. They are amazing people. Their son-in-law is actually Alex Boye which is pretty awesome. After that all of the trainers were downstairs and came up and we had lunch. We didn't know who we were going to be paired with but it was kind of obvious Sister Roper and I had one of two choices. As we were eating President was praying and deciding who to put as companions. And then the companion ceremony began. He did the sisters first and Sister Roper was put with Hermana Coley. So there was one more sister left. My companion is Sister Dicou and she's from Sandy Utah. She went to Alta and is so so awesome. This is her last transfer so she's been here a while and knows her stuff. While we were eating I had a feeling I was going to be her companion and I was so excited. I've already learned so much from her. And I can't wait to learn more. I am serving in the Parsippany Area. We went to our transfer conference and there were some missionaries going home so they bore their testimonies and they were so strong. I can't wait until I'm up there and bearing my testimony of all the things that I know are true. My testimony has already grown so much but I can't wait to let it grown even more. I have a lot to still learn but it's coming. After conference we went back to the apartment real quick and then out we went. We went to a couple of places and found a new investigator.

We woke up the next day and exercised! It felt so good to get out and exercise. We run in a cemetery. It's nice though, I'm not to scared haha. We had district meeting for the first time. The spirit of all the missionaries are incredible. I know I'm going to learn to much just from them. We had dinner with some of the members and that cooked some pretty good fried chicken. I ate everything off the bone. (Yes, dad, I really did) We went to visit a recent convert, Bonny, and I can already say I love that lady. She's amazing and I can't wait to get to know her even more.

The next day was our walking day and planning session. It was a good day. It has been pretty cold this past week but Sunday was so beautiful, same as today. I already pulled out my coat but hopefully this week it won't be to cold. Our walking day was incredible! We taught a couple of recent converts and talked to a lady, our last one of the night. Her name is Debbie and I feel so strong about her. It's so crazy to be able to talk to people and have them open up in just a matter of minutes. I want to help everyone. I want them to know, how I know, that this church is the true church of Jesus Christ on the earth today. It stinks to see people you love make a wrong decision because I want to help them see the truth so bad.

Saturday we got to go to Ellis Island! The opportunity I have as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to get to go serve on Ellis Island is incredible. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. And we were right across from the city! I saw the Freedom Tower and the Statue of Liberty. It seriously was so cool! It wasn't too busy when we got there so Sister Dicou and I went and walked around where they took all the immigrants and then watched the film there. The history there is like none other. I'm so grateful for that opportunity to go and serve there. For the last few hours we went into where the people look for their ancestors manifests and ships and helped them when they needed assistant. It is so cool to see people get so excited to find their ancestors. I know that genealogy is true and we can help find people's ancestors and we can do work for them. I'm excited for when I come home to start finding people and do genealogy work! (Grandma is going to be so happy!) :) After Ellis Island we had a dinner appointment with an old man, Skip, and he took us to a diner. I had a chicken pesto panini and it was delicious! The food here has been pretty good. Saturday and Sunday were a little tough for me, I don't know why but sometimes you just need to cry. I don't know why I was feeling like that but in my prayers I just let it out. It felt good to be able to cry and speak with God, because he knows what I'm going through and he's going to be able to help me through anything. I think I was just a little frustrated because I didn't know some of the people in my ward I was serving in. I know I'll be better because I saw their faces and met them on Sunday. Sunday's are always so good. I've taken Sunday's more seriously I feel since I first got my call. It's a nice relaxing time at church to be able to remember the sacrifice Christ made for all of us and to partake of the sacrament. I'm grateful for the sacrament and the opportunity to renew my baptismal covenants with our Heavenly Father. After church we had a couple of appointments. We met some pretty cool people. I feel like Sister Dicou and I have planted good seeds in the people we've come in contact with, even if we didn't teach them anything. I can't wait to finally start really teaching a progressing investigator and see the change in their life. I know it's going to be amazing and strengthen my testimony so much. So to answer your question mom, Monday's are my P-days. So I'll be sending pictures next week.

New Jersey is so beautiful. The trees are changing colors and I just LOVE it! It's definitely totally different from Utah but Utah has its own beauty. The people here are awesome. The ward is so cool. It's pretty big, almost like a Utah ward. I'm so excited to serve here and know New Jersey is where I'm supposed to be. I don't know why yet, but I'll figure it out. I read my patriarchal blessing a few days ago and I love it. It's so true and pertains to my life when I was at Taft, here and for the future. I've realized I've taken a lot of things for granted in my life as I was growing up. But that has changed. I see people without the gospel and I just want to help them. That's why I'm here. To help people see that without Christ and his atonement and every aspect of this gospel we can't return to live with him again. I've learned so much from my experience already and can't wait to learn SOO much more. I know Sister Dicou is my companion for a reason. Her testimony and her experiences are so great. We've gotten along so well. And I can't wait to build that friendship.

I hope I got everything in there that I wanted to say. Of course, there's so much more than what I wrote but that's the just of things that are going on right now in New Jersey. I know this church is true. I'm so grateful for the gospel in my life right now. I honestly don't know where I'd be if I didn't have the gospel in my life. And I know a lot of people say that but I really don't. The structure and the standards that I have, bless me. They don't restrict me. I know that Jesus Christ died for me and I can't return and live with him and Heavenly Father one day. The things that I have already learned have been incredible. I know the plan of salvation is real. I know the Holy Ghost can be in our lives, if we obey the commandments and be obedient to the things we have been taught. I know prayer truly works. I've been praying more than I have ever prayed in my life and it's been a blessing. Sister Dicou and I were going to visit someone and as she was saying the prayer a car was slowing passing us and I could tell she was looking at it as she was praying. The car drove off and we finished our prayer and got out of the car and started walking. As she we praying I was getting a bad feeling for some reason. But as we were walking the same car started coming towards us. I told her I felt funny as she was praying and so we started walking back to the car. He kinda sped up a little and we jumped in. He parked behind us and then slowly drove past us again and then stopped in front of us. Sister Dicou said we're outta there and drove off. It was pretty scary. I know the Lord is watching out for us. And I know the Holy Ghost is real and we both got that feeling to get back in the car. I'm grateful to be able to listen to the Holy Ghost and we were able to stay safe. I know that this church is true and we have a living Prophet on the earth today to lead and guide us. Go re-read some of those general conference talks. They will help us in our lives today because the Lord speaks through his prophets and apostle and he speaks through them. I loved General Conference. I loved all the talks and gained so much about the gospel. This church is true and I love being able to be an instrument in God's hands and help his children come back to him. I love you all and am so very grateful for your support and love! I pray for you guys all the time!

Seester Taylor

P.S. Happy 7 months to Grant on the 12th. And a happy 2 months to Tacy on the 8th. I can't believe she's already two months. I'm expecting pictures of them as well soon. :)

First thing received from the Mission

Hi Missionary Moms..
Do you know these cute sisters?
We spent the evening talking and sharing dinner with your girls..
Great Missionaries.. strong testimonies...
let me know which email goes to which girls mom.. they just wrote the emails down for me but didn't tell me which mom belonged to them..
I will send more photos next time they come.. my battery was almost gone..
If there is anything I can do to help you help them just send me a note and I'll be glad to help...
have a great day!!

So awesome of this member to send this. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

News from NJ

Mother oh mother! I did get your message and Sister and President Jeppson are letting us right a quick letter to you guys. I also wrote a letter so you'll probably be getting a surplus of stuff from me. I hope that's okay. Actually I know it is. The flight was amazing! I sat in between a sweet couple and placed a Book of Mormon. Kimber would be proud! I explained it more in my letter but they were asking all these questions about it and so I was answering all of them. It was amazing! They asked exacltly what the Book of Mormon is so what a better chance than to give him the extra one I had and talk to him about it. I also got there address so I'm going to be asking them how there reading is going. Who knows what'll happen but I've opened them up to the true gospel of Jesus Christ. I feel so 'right' here. As we were driving down the street I got confirmation that this is where I'm supposed to be. There are a lot of black people and I know that I'll be able to relate to them because of my experiences down in Taft and such. I'm so grateful for this gospel. I'm so grateful for Christ in my life. I need to get a picture of him so I can set him right by the picture of the family and remember what is most important to me. I love this gospel and can't wait to be fully emersed in it. What an amazing work this is! I know Christ lives and Heavenly Father answers our prayers. Continue to pray to him with a sincere heart and he will answer you. Pray for me for the ability to listen and be guided by the promptings of the spirit. I love each and every one of you so much, Dad Mom Brad Elly Tacy Kimber (Samuel) Jody Eric Grant Melissa and Barry. Your support is amazing to me. I can't wait to start teaching these people of New Jersey. This is where I'm supposed to me.

One more quick story as we got here we went to downtown Newark and went and did street contacting with veteran missionaries. It was crazy but felt so good to start somewhere. I froze a couple places and did know what to say but the companion I had for that little time helped me out so much. We met a young kid that plays basketball at a very prestigous university and I related to him. He said "he was a baller" and I said "hey me too!" It was pretty funny. We talked and gave him a Book of Mormon and I really hope he reads it. It was such a new and great experience to get out there and start street contacting. I can't wait to meet my companion tomorrow and start the work of the Lord. You guys are awesome! Love you so much!


Sister Christine Taylor
We have not receved Sister Taylor's physical address yet but when we do, I will post it on the blog.  Send all packages to the mission home address that is on one of the first blog posts.  Some treats Sister Taylor likes are....beef jerky, mamba's, fruit snacks, cashews-nuts, popcorn, sour worms, suckers, gum, skittles, starbursts, crackers, mints, sour patch watermelons. 
Thank you for all your support!

A few thoughts before leaving the MTC

We heard from Sister Taylor before she boarded her flight to New Jersey.  She called from the airport.  I was expecting the call but didn't know what time she would call.  The phone rang at about 8am and I was kind of trying to sleep I denied the call, then I immediatley realized the caller ID said "pay phone" and tried to call back that number immediatley.  While I was trying to call back, my cell phone rang, and I got to speak to Christine.  She sounded so good and so excited to get to New Jersey. 

In a letter she sent just before leaving the MTC, here are some of her thoughts....
The Spirit is incredible, something I've never felt, but love.  Conference was amazing! The past week has been so great.  My testimony has grown so much and the spirit is so strong.  I can't wait to let the people of New Jersey know of the gospel and let them feel the happiness I feel.  I know God lives.  And loves all of us.  I know Christ died fo me and for all of us and we can return and live with Him again if we repent and be obedeint.  I know the prophet Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son and he did translate the Book of Mormon for us today.  It is the word of God.  And if we read it we can become closer to Chrsit.  I have loved this experience and can't wait to teach the peeps of NJ.

Sister Taylor

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Airport

I was laying in bed this morning, Monday Oct 8, 2012 and the phone rang at about 8:00am.  I was still asleep so I reached over to see who it was and it was an unknown number.  I wasn't really thinking about what I was waiting for all day and ended the call before answering it.  I layed there for a couple of seconds and realized it had said pay phone and realized I had just denied the call I was waiting for from Christine from the airport.  I freaked out and picked up the phone and tried to redial and was told that phone number was busy.  I paniced but realized she was probably trying to call my cell phone and instantly heard it ringing by my bedside.  I picked the phone up, and said hello and heard her voice from the other end.  She sounded so good and invigorated and excited. 

She flies out to Newark, NJ this morning at 9:30.  It's a straight flight, 4 hours in the air.  She can't wait to get there and start sharing the gospel.  She had some great experiences in the MTC and met some great people she's says she'll stay close with through letters. 

She says to say hello to everyone nd tell everyone she loves them.

written by Christine's Mom

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Loving the MTC just about ready to head to NJ

So as you can see in the subject, I have switched to the spanish mission in New Jersey! Ha, your girl got jokes. I'm just kidding. I'm still all english and loving it! So I've kinda broken this email down into sections of family that has written me so I hope I can answer all of your wonderful questions. Lets start with:
Dad: I did see that picture of Whitney and I before I left. I really do love that picture! You might be surprised but I have opened and eaten almost all of the food you guys sent me, except for the jerky. But it is opened. Aren't you surprised!? And sorry father, but that jerky I'm keeping for myself. It's precious stuff. I have only gotten your two dearelder letters so far and I haven't recieved the email if you did send me one on this.
Next is Grandma: You're letter was so cute. Thank you for writing me. I do forgive you for not being able to be at my setting apart but it would of been cool to have you there. No worries. Those books you were telling me about would be awesome to have, I'd love them.
Allie: I kinda love the little tradition you have started. My mother has a list of goodies that you can send if you want. I can't think of them at the top of my head, just ask my mom :) Good luck with the marathon as well, you're going to do great, I know it! Say a prayer before.
Aunt Karen: I hope by now Chris has contacted you. He said his p-day was Thursday so I'm sure you have. Thank you for the support! I love how 3 of the cousins are all out at the same time. What a wonderful blessing it is for all of the families. I see Elder Stevens a lot and I love it. It's always good to see someone you know.
Jody: I know I sent you a letter back but the temple dedication was awesome. I don't know if I've written you back and told you that but it was amazing. The spirit in the MTC was so strong when we all stood up to sing The Spirit of God and I actually got a little teary eyed. I'm so happy Grant loves the church songs, because I have fallen more in love with them. They are wonderful!
And lastly Mom (I'll write a section to everyone after this): Sister Green is from the Richmond area, Colonial Heights I believe it is. She is so awesome. I love her so much. I'm definitely getting used to Sister, but it still is strange sometimes. But i'll get used to it. We can only go to the temple on our P-day which is today. And I was saying that Sister Roper just did her own batch of laundry while all of us combined ours. The rule for the emailing is I can only email families and hand write friends but anyone can dearelder me. I see Elder Stevens a lot and also Elder (Jared) Taylor. It's so great to see people I know here. I love it. I loved the temple dedication like I told Jody, it was once in a lifetime here at the MTC. And stop crying. I'm doing fine, I promise. I really haven't broken down and started crying yet. (Except in my bed at night, but I just had the sniffles :) )
As for everyone: SISTER TAYLOR HAS GOTTEN HER FLIGHT PLANS!!! It's crazy to think that I just got here a week in a half ago but I already have my flight to leave to New Jersey. I'm so pumped but really going to miss the MTC. I have made some pretty awesome friends. I will be leaving a week from today (October 1st, Happy Birthday Natalie Gibbs!) on October 8th. Time flights when you're having fun and serving the Lord. To answer everyone's question, my companion Sister Roper is going to New Jersey with me along with 14 others. The food hasn't been to bad, I've had the wraps quite a bit and they are delicious. As for this past week, it has been so good. I love it here. We've had some great devotionals with great Speakers, and mission conferences. We've had class and have such great teachers, Brother Pack and Brother Terry. They have been great! I have met some pretty great missionaries and will definitely miss them. Yesterday we got to go on a temple walk and it's so nice to get out and spend a few mintues at the temple with all the missionaries. We took some pretty great pictures. When I get to New Jersey I will send pictures, and once I get my cord. The temple is an incredible place. It is the House of the Lord and I know that to be true. I can't wait to show everyone all the pictrures, because if you know me I love taking pictures. I'm kinda crazy too when it comes to them so there's some good ones. Waking up is okay for me, it sometimes has been a little tough but it's going well. I kinda succombed to buying more clothes. There's a place here that had skirts and shirts and I bought a new outfit. But it's good because it's a little heavier grey long skirt and a cute red top.
Gym time is such a fun time as you all know I would say. And you better believe I've been playing with the Elders. It's so much fun! The thing is, is if a sister plays another sister has to play because we can't guard the Elders. Mother, if you remember when I went and got my own endowment out there was a Sister that said she came in the same day as me right!? Well, funny enough I played against her in high school, she went to Northridge and I totally remember playing against her but didn't recognize her in the temple. Well, we have the same gym time and we play with the Elders. Her name is Sister Robinson. She's sooo cool! It's kinda funny to play with the Elders because in all honestly they really don't want to play with us. And I really don't want to boast, but I have made some pretty lucky shots. The Elders are stunned and its so funny to see their reaction. But that's all I'm going to say, is it's fun and I've made some pretty cool shots. They're cool.
Just to end, I know I've told you a lot about the MTC. But now I just want to share my testimony about the Gospel. Being here in the MTC, I've learned so much about my Savior and about how much he loves me. And he loves all of you. I know that to be true. We had testimony meeting yesterday and I bore my testimony, I know that the Church was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith and I know he went into the grove of trees and saw God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. I know that if we play earnestly and really want to know the truth of something we can talk to God and he will answer your prayers. I know Jesus Christ died for my sins and that I can repent and live with him again. I'm so grateful for this opportunity to share my testimony with the people of New Jersey and my Heavenly Father is preparing people for me to hear these words. I love my family, you guys truly are amazing. I've taken a lot of things for granted in my life. But I just wanted to thank you for all your support! I know this Church is true and I know this is where I'm supposed to be at this point in my life. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God and if we reallly read and want to know if it is true, we will find the answer! Next week, this girl will be in New Jersey, serving the Lord. I can't wait and I'm so excited! I love you guys sooooo much!
--Seester Taylor