The choice for me to go on a mission came with a very cool story. Back in February-March, my friend started challenging me to go on a mission. I hadn't really thought about it after Taft, because I thought Taft would be my mission. Yes, it was a big part of my mission but I know that this mission will be even more life-changing. I began to pray and not really finding any answers. One morning as I was working in the Tabernacle (I get the amazing opportunity to the clean the Tabernacle, the only down-fall to that would be waking up at 4 a.m.) But as I was cleaning, I remember distinctly where I was, the only word that was popping into my head was "mission". So I thought okay, I guess I'll consider it more. I got done with work there and had to go to the dentist to get some cavities filled. So of course they numbed my mouth. I had to go to my other job at Marshall's, with a numb face, so I wasn't feeling to well. My awesome manager asked me if I wanted anything at Panda Express (it had just opened that day) and so I told her, "yeah, if you want to just get me an appetizer that'd be fine." She came back and I went onto my break to find a meal there. Orange chicken it was. Now, everybody knows with a Chinese meal you get a fortune cookie. Now I know it sounds so cliche, but as I opened that fortune and read it, it was like a huge answer to my prayer. In the fortune it said, "Yes. Do it with confidence." I've talked to a lot of people and told people that story and many have said they've never seen a "yes, or no" in a fortune cookie. So, that night we had an activity at the Bishop's house so I was planning on telling him I wanted to serve a mission. As I told him, he was so thrilled and I was so excited I got an answer to my prayer to see if a mission was for me.
The Lord works in mysterious ways and I know that that day he was looking out for me and gave me the answer I needed.
So I began my papers and doctors visits and everything. The cool thing though, is I was keeping a secret from my siblings. I started a fast to make sure that this was the right decision with my Bishop on April 26, 2012 and after that fast we both felt good so he opened up my mission papers on the web. The timing couldn't be more perfect. Kimber had gone to Nauvoo and I was worried that she'd be suspicious so I finished all my papers within a week (the week she was gone.) It was the week of my birthday so it was such a great present. The papers were sent to the stake president and I had a meeting with the bishop, then the stake president, and then had to wait a couple weeks before my call got here. My Bishop kept me updated and so I pretty much knew when they were coming. On June 1, I got a text from my Bishop saying that Assignment had been made. And It would most likely be sent on the next Wednesday. The Spirit I felt when I got that text was so great. I knew the choices I was making in my life were the right ones. So, still keeping a secret from my siblings, that Wednesday, my dad called a "family meeting." We have never had these, so they were wondering what was going on. Some of them thought he was going to be the new bishop. Jody texted me and asked if I knew what the meeting was for and I lied and told her I didn't know, but in all reality it was for me! So, I got home from work and was freaking out inside. I had to wait a couple hours before I could open it. Some of my friends knew I was going on a mission, so I had secretly planned with them to come over at 9 to watch me open it. But back to the meeting, my dad started it (Jody, Eric and Grant were in Hawaii so they were on speaker phone) and started out by saying, "Well, speaking with the Stake President a couple weeks ago..." Jody, kind of laughed on the phone and my dad asked why she was laughing and she said that she thought someone had died. We kinda laughed for a second and then my dad repeated it and then said "and I'll pass the phone over to Christine.." And that's when I told them I was going on a mission. Jody was confused on who and thought it was Mom and Dad so I had to clear it up with her that it was me. Then my dad said "Do you want to know where she's going?" Jody asked if I already had my call but I thought it be good to throw them for another curve and say that I was just planning on it. A few second went by and I told them I was joking and walked over to my drawer and pulled out my call. They were so surprised! It worked perfectly! The coolest thing though was I had it recording secretly on my camera so I have it all. It was so awesome! My friends came over and we played the guessing game on where I was going. Michelle Moffat was the one that guessed the closest. She guessed I was going to New York. The whole plan was awesome. Kimber, was a little bitter but she was the one that slightly had a clue. (I hope she doesn't get mad I put this in here).
I wanted to go through the temple pretty soon so I could experience the blessings of my temple sooner rather than later. I went through the temple June 28th and it was such an amazing experience. I love going to the temple. The spirit that is there is incredible and awesome. I made it a goal to go to the temple at least once a week and I can proudly say I've only missed two weeks since I've gotten my endowment out. I know the blessing s there are incredible.
So now here I write. On September 3rd. Two weeks and two days until I leave. The time has flown by since I have gotten my call and I can't wait to go out and find those people waiting to hear the gospel. I'm so grateful for this opportunity I have to be an instrument in the Lord's hand. I know my family will be blessed for these next 18 months as well as myself and those I bring closer to Christ. I know this church is true. I know Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and he saw God the Father and his son Jesus Christ in the grove of trees and restored His gospel back onto the earth for us in these latter days. I know President Monson speaks through the spirit and tell us what we need to hear. I love this gospel and am so grateful for the examples I have in my life that have helped me get to where I am today. Until next time. :)
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